HTTPS Everywhere - HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox, Chrome, and Opera extension that encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure.
Nano Adblocker - Just another adblocker based on uBlock Origin.
Nano Defender - An anti-Adblock defuser for Nano Adblocker and uBlock Origin.
TamperMonkey - The world's most popular userscript manager.
WebRTC Network Limiter - Configures how WebRTC's network traffic is routed by changing Chrome's privacy settings.
ScriptSafe - A browser extension that gives users control of the web and more secure browsing while emphasizing simplicity and intuitiveness.
NoScript - Allow active content to run only from sites you trust, and protect yourself against XSS and clickjacking attacks. Firefox only.
Universal Bypass - Universal Bypass automatically skips annoying link shorteners.
Site Bleacher - Firefox/Chrome addon/extension which removes automatically cookies, local storages, IndexedDBs, service workers, cache storages, filesystems and webSQLs.
Iridium - Iridium is an extension built to improve your experience with the new YouTube Material layout.
YouTube Skip intro (Chrome) - Define the intro time to skip it each time you play a video on YouTube helpful when you watching a series or any many episodes shows.
Save to the Wayback Machine - Browser extension for quickly saving web pages to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.
Search by Image - Enables you to initiate a reverse image search from the context menu or the browser toolbar, and supports more than 30 search engines.
2read - Convert article in current tab to readable form and upload it to IPFS.
User-Agent Switcher - A User-Agent spoofer browser extension that is highly configurable.